
To be eligible for Federal Student Aid funds, the Federal Department of Education requires students make satisfactory academic progress while taking courses toward 学位或证书课程. 学院还必须有一个合理的政策 监督学业进展,这适用于所有入学条款. 学术的进步 is measured by cumulative grade point average, percentage of credits successfully 完成,以及完成课程所需的时间. 学业进度检查 每学期末(秋、春、夏).

NOTE: This policy does not include PA State Grant academic progress requirements for 维持PA州拨款(PHEAA)的资金.


  1. 完成率/速度
    学生必须完成至少66门课程.67%的学分被尝试过,这是计算出来的 通过将累计学分除以累计学分. 不完整, withdrawn, and failing grades count as attempted, but not as completed/earned credits. 转学学分计入尝试学分和已获得学分.

    The College will automatically exclude any courses from which the student has withdrawn due to COVID-19 from their pace calculation for the semester, and will continue to 在将来的学术进步评估中,累计排除他们. 这只适用于 to COVID-19 related withdrawals after the date the president declared a national emergency: 2020年3月13日.
  2. 最大时间范围(150%规则)
    The maximum time frame for students to complete program requirements is 150% of the 已发布节目长度. 例如,如果学生参加了一个60学分的课程, the student may only receive financial 援助 for up to 90 credits in that program. 所有 cumulative credits attempted and all transfer credits applicable to the student’s 考虑学习计划.
  3. 最低要求
    学生 must earn at least the minimum cumulative grade point average as shown in 下表基于尝试的学分数.
累计学分 最低可接受累积GPA
1-23 1.51
24-35 1.75
36-47 1.83
48+ 2.00


Developmental and ESL courses are evaluated in your progress calculation, including 完成率、最大学时及累积平均绩点. 你可能会收到 federal financial 援助 for a maximum of 30 semester hours of developmental coursework. There is no limit on ESL courses; however, all ESL courses will count towards attempted credits and will cause you to advance toward maximum time frame status more quickly 在你的课程快要结束的时候.

未完成的和经过审核的课程不计入及格成绩. 这些课程是 计入尝试学分. 一旦不完整的成绩被改为及格 成绩、学业进度可根据书面要求重新计算. 审计的课程 没有获得学分,没有资格获得经济援助. 因此, they are not evaluated in the review of the student's satisfactory academic progress. 重复的课程也算作尝试学分.

Once you complete all the requirements for your program, you can no longer receive 经济援助,除非你进入一个新的学位课程. 你可以申请经济援助 完成两个副学士学位课程. 所有适用的课程 completed program will count as part of the 150% attempted credits in your second 学位课程.


If you fall below any of the three academic progress standards, you will be notified by email to your MCCC student email account and in the satisfactory academic progress 部分 自助服务. You will be placed into either a warning or a suspension status for financial 援助.

  1. 警告状态
    If you do not meet satisfactory academic progress standards, you will receive a financial 援助的警告. 一旦你处于经济援助警告状态,你可能会继续收到 financial 援助 in the next semester, but will be expected to meet the minimum standards 到下学期末. 警告后未达到最低标准的 学期结束后,奖学金将被中止.
  2. 学业进展不理想者,暂停财政援助
    Your financial 援助 is suspended when you fail to meet the minimum Satisfactory Academic 以下一个或两个原因的进度要求:
    • You have been assigned a warning status, a probation status, or you are in a monitoring term after your probation, and you fail to meet the requirements of your warning status 或者学术计划.
    • 你已经超过了你的学位的最长时间限制.


If you experienced unique circumstances that affected your academic progress, you 可以提交令人满意的学业进步(SAP)申诉. 情有可原的情况下 include: personal serious illness or injury; the death, accident, or serious illness of an immediate family member or significant person in your life; other unique circumstance(s) 你无法控制.

要上诉,你必须填写 财政援助学业进步申诉表格, provide acceptable supporting documentation, and complete all required steps outlined 在表格上. 

  • Submission of an appeal does not guarantee an approval or eligibility for financial 援助.
  • 随后的相同性质或相同理由的上诉是 不允许.
  • While there is no limit to the number of appeals a student may 提交 over the course of their studies at Montco, an appeal 提交ted for consecutive semesters of poor 学业进展将会被认真考虑. 一般惯例是三次或三次以上的上诉不被批准.
  • Lack of awareness of withdrawal policies or requirements for satisfactory academic progress, as well as unpreparedness for college courses, will not be accepted as reasons 为了上诉的目的.
  • Monitor your email: we may require additional information after the initial review.
The 财政援助学业进步申诉表格, will require you to explain the following:
  1. The circumstance(s) that kept you from meeting the satisfactory academic progress 术语标准.
  2. Your plan for corrective action: explain what changes you have made that will allow 你要在学业上取得成功.
  3. Describe your current educational objectives and your plan for successfully achieving 在冰球突破豪华版的这些进球. 如果你转入新的学分,请解释 转学分与你目前的教育目标有何关系?.

你的上诉将不会被审查,除非所有要求的项目, 包括SAP申诉表格和相应的文件,已完成并提交.


  1. 缓刑的地位
    If your appeal is approved and it is mathematically possible for you to meet academic progress requirements 到下学期末, you will be placed on financial 援助 probation status, your financial 援助 will be restored, and your progress will 下学期末再测一次.
  2. 学术计划状态
    If your appeal is approved and it is mathematically impossible for you to meet academic progress requirements 到下学期末, you will be placed on an academic plan, your financial 援助 will be restored, and your progress will be monitored to 确保你符合计划的条件. 在学习计划期间,您:
    • 必须遵循你的学业进步申诉表和
    • 保持66的最低学期速度.67%,
      如果你尝试过: 你必须保持至少一个学期的GPA:
      1学分 1.51
      巢族学分 1.75
      36-47学分 1.83
      48学分或以上 2.0
    • And, if you reach the point where you are unable to complete your program within its maximum timeframe, you must complete all remaining courses with a C or higher grade.

    Failure to follow your academic plan and meet the above requirements will result in 失去联邦财政资助.

  3. 在没有上诉批准的情况下重新获得经济援助资格
    If you do not meet satisfactory academic progress requirements and choose to enroll at the College without financial 援助 assistance, we will check your progress at the 入学期限结束. 那时,如果你达到了学业进步要求, 你的经济资助资格将被恢复.
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