Your steps to success

祝贺你被蒙哥马利县社区学院录取! Now that 你申请了冰球突破豪华版大学,你离拿到学位又近了一步. Below are 一般的步骤,让你从一个被录取的人的角度来了解这个过程 student to the first day of class. To see the steps specific to your journey, please log into Montco Connect by visiting

这份清单是为寻求学位和证书的学生准备的. Please see the Dual Enrollment or Guest Student pages for information on these separate applications.

Activate Montco Connect & Student Email

检查一下你申请大学时使用的电子邮件账户,你会发现 您的学生证号码以及如何激活您的Montco Connect帐户的说明. Log in to Montco Connect 访问任务,自助服务,画布,学生电子邮件和更多. Take a minute 现在激活和探索您的新学生帐户!

View your student email every day for important information. All Montco related items are sent to your Montco email address, not your personal email account. Here are instructions on how to forward your email to your personal email.

Get a Digital Student ID

Your Student ID Card is now digital and available online. 数字ID是您的官方学院照片身份证,并将授予 你可以使用校园设施和服务,包括咨询和经济援助. 所有提交的照片仅供内部使用.

如果你还没有学生证,我的照片在线系统现在是公开的,你 can upload your photo directly in Montco Connect under Quick Links > Virtual ID Photo Submission.

蒙哥马利县社区学院要求学生拍照 their official college record. In order to receive a digital student ID we ask that you submit a photo. 您可以上传一个彩色快照,显示您的完整的正面视图 头和肩按本网站所示的要求. Photos must be 自己或在朋友的帮助下拍摄的自拍照是可以接受的 proper lighting. 通过使用这个过程,您将避免排队并节省宝贵的时间.

通过提交这张照片作为你的学生证,你同意这张照片将成为一部分 of your official College record.



为了确保你只上你需要的课程,我们鼓励你提交你的 尽快提供高中和/或大学的正式成绩单 (if applicable) to Enrollment Services. We will carefully evaluate your transcripts, and if applicable, standardized test scores, 为了确定你应该从哪里开始学习.  

You can submit your transcripts in one of four ways:

  • 发送您的非正式成绩单或相关文件通过 secure file upload
  • 正式的电子成绩单应该直接从你的高中通过 羊皮纸和官方电子学院/大学成绩单通过国家 Student Clearinghouse
  • 邮件:发送文件到冰球突破豪华版服务,蒙哥马利县社区学院, 340 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422
  • 亲手交付:将签名、密封的信封交给冰球突破豪华版服务处

* 如果转学分或先决条件,则需要正式的学院/大学成绩单 verification is sought. 但是,如果您无法获得学校的副本 成绩单或正式文件,请继续进行注册程序.

**如果您有非正式成绩单的复印件,请随身携带一份 to share with your advisor.

Complete MyCareerPlan

Log in to Montco Connect and access MyCareerPlan. “我的职业规划”共有四项评估,测试你的兴趣、价值观和个性 和工作场所的偏好来帮助你确定什么样的职业道路可能是最适合的 you.

All first semester students are required to complete MyCareerPlan. 请在预约咨询前完成此评估. This will take roughly 30 minutes to 1 hour.


Complete the Student Advising Form

Please complete the student advising form 因为它将帮助你的学术顾问在会议上计划你的时间表. 请在申请学院24至48小时后完成这些步骤.


Sign the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement

学生财务责任协议(SFRA)是一项强制性协议 概述了参加蒙哥大学的财务义务和责任. You must sign the SFRA 他们在学院注册的每个学期的课程之前,在自助服务中注册.


Meet with an Advisor


  1. Submitted your Digital ID Photo
  2. Complete MyCareerPlan
  3. Completed the Student Advising Form
  4. Signed the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement

Meeting with your academic advisor 是强制性的,如果你是一个新的攻读学位的学生,谁没有助理 degree or higher. 在你的计划讨论的结论,你的导师可能 be able to assist with class registration.

Schedule your appointment online or call 215-641-6577 and press Option 2. 

*请在申请学院后的24至48小时内填写这些表格 steps. 为了您的安全,辅导员可能会要求您出示正式的身份证件.

你需要与学术顾问见面注册你的第一堂课 semester.

File Your FAFSA

联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)是一种金融申请 assistance you should complete every year. Not completing the application could cost 你有机会获得助学金和奖学金(免费的钱)!) to which you’re 如有需要,还可以申请学生贷款. 

虽然你的FAFSA很重要,但这一步与学术建议是分开的. You can, 但是,在完成FAFSA的同时,继续财政援助程序, and meet with your advisor to schedule courses.

Complete your FAFSA 在“学校选择”步骤中使用学校代码004452. All notifications about your financial aid will be communicated through Self-Service and your Montco email account.

Need help completing the FAFSA? Schedule a financial aid appointment to receive one-on-one assistance.

虽然在注册课程之前不需要完成FAFSA, it is recommended.  Refer to the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement for terms regarding class registration.

Register for Classes

如果你还没有在你的导师那里注册,请通过以下方式在线注册 Montco Connect >> Self-Service >> Student Planning.

Need help registering? 学生服务资源中心(SSRC)团队是可用的 to assist you with any questions you may have. Contact the SSRC Team via live chat or email at

Pay Your Tuition

要注册付款计划和/或在线付款,请登录 Montco Connect and select Payment Center.

Get Ready For Class

Visit our top tips for students for more helpful information.